by Andrea Kaderlik
Gordy Schiltz
Project Manager, APPRO Development, Inc.

Gordy Schiltz is the most senior project manager on our team, having started with APPRO Development in 2003. He is honest, straight forward, devoted, and hardworking. Gordy takes great pride in a job well done, placing value on building strong relationships with both our subcontractors and the owners of each project we work on.
As a subcontractor you will meet Gordy during the initial or competitive bidding phase of a new project, as well as working together throughout the entire construction phase and into the final close out of a project. As a commercial property owner, you will meet Gordy during the initial planning and budgeting phase, work with him throughout the construction of a project, and as he wraps up the construction phase to turn the building over to you, on time and on budget.
Gordy is a pretty humble guy, but if you ask, he might be willing to share his stories of having survived being on a life raft in the middle of the ocean, eating insects, or hunting large game in Africa. We are fortunate to have Gordy and ALL the skills he brings to our great team!