by Andrea Kaderlik

Jack Matasosky

APPRO Development, Founder (Retired) & CERRON Commercial Properties, Broker/Owner

APPRO and CERRON help businesses find and/or create great spaces - what about that do you love?

I sincerely love the outcome and especially the entire engaging process with clients. We have the opportunity to join our clients as an active participant  int heir firm for a time, while we investigate their operations and need, provide options, and ultimately help create property solutions that enhance their operations!

Describe your role with APPRO and CERRON.
After officially retiring from APPRO in March, 2023, my role is to continue to be the broker for CERRON, to be available as a mentor, and to work on some of my own projects.

Why should someone who doesn’t know APPRO and CERRON, choose our companies?

I would hope a client would choose our firms because they can trust us to create solutions to their needs based on the breadth of our knowledge/skill in in these markets.

What is your earliest memory of selling, designing or building something?

Elementary school - I always wanted to study Architecture at some point. I would doodle in class - if I liked a teacher, I would draw them in a beautiful building or setting. If I didn't care for the topic - they might end up behind bars in some rat hole jailhouse!

What makes our team unique?
We have based and built our companies on the simple premise of serving client need. We recognize the magnitude of the investment in a property solution - whether a new building, an addition, or relocating to a new space, and we work very hard to make sure clients feel they have made all of their decisions based on clear, relevant and extensive data.

What inspires and/or motivates you in what you do with APPRO and CERRON?
    Every project, every client is unique and to be able to partner with that particular client for a period of time is exciting and fresh to me.

    What do you do outside of the office for fun?
    My fun outside of the office typically revolves around my wife and son - his hockey and sports activities fill our lives with joy. When other time is available - skiing, fishing, hunting and golfing are things I enjoy.

    What is the best compliment you have received?

    I value integrity and sincerity so highly in others - so when someone mentions them about me - I really appreciate the compliment.

    What is your favorite sport (to cheer on or to play)?
    First and foremost would be my son's hockey team...then, any other hockey team.

    Where is one place you have not been, but would really like to go?

    Heaven...but, not quite yet!

    Jack Mataosky is the most senior member of our team, having officially launched APPRO Development in 1987. He was formerly part of Hitchcock Industries, providing architectural and construction management skills to help develop and build Airlake Industrial Park, a division of Hitchcock Industries. Over the years, Jack has been an integral part of our local community by serving on the Lakeville Economic Development Commission and Chamber of Commerce (and was even voted Business Person of the Year in 1993), as well as serving on multiple boards of directors and foundations. Jack is a driven leader and passionate about every project in which he is involved. After retiring from APPRO in March, 2023, Jack continues in the role of mentor and also broker for CERRON Commercial Properties, in addition to working on some of his own projects. 

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