by Andrea Kaderlik
Jada Bobeldyk
APPRO Development, Architectural Design Intern
APPRO and CERRON help businesses find and/or create great spaces - what do you find interesting about these services?
I’ve learned the inner workings of how the sister companies have become so successful. Being side-by-side a licensed architect has guided me beyond a university level. I’m seeing detailed floor plans and working on a program that’s not taught in my undergraduate program. The team has pushed me to be confident in my creativity and problem-solving skills which will become great building blocks for me as I continue my passion for architecture.

For fun, I love being active mostly through weight lifting and going outside whenever I get the chance. I’m a bookworm that can easily get addicted to a series when I’m not busy with school. I also love creative work whether that be sketching, painting, or crafts. Although overall, I love to learn. Commonly I do this through self-improvement books or autobiographies/biographies of inspirational people but I also love learning from others via videos, articles, and speaking to others who are passionate about various subjects.
I value integrity and sincerity so highly in others - so when someone mentions them about me - I really appreciate the compliment.
My future plans and hopes after college is to pursue a masters to then become a licensed architect in Minnesota. Beyond that I want to work for a firm, start a family, and pursue hobbies that I’ve always dreamt of but never gotten around to doing (i.e. learning a new language, how to sew, and anything else that fuels my love for learning). However, beyond college I don’t have any set plans as I just look forward to seeing what opportunities arise; as cliché and simple as it is, all I want out of life is to be content and happy.