Low-cost/No-cost winter energy saving tips for Minnesota business

Energy Effiecient practices and energy remodel/retrofit ideas to save money and energy

After the fifth biggest snowfall total in Minnesota history, we can surmise that winter is here to stay for a little while. Gone are the days of El Niño. Apparently these are the times of the real winters. So what can a business do now to survive the rising cost of energy and curb expenditures? Here’s a link to an article geared for your home that provides many insights as to what can be done at a small business: http://www.energysavers.gov/seasonal/tips_winter.html most of these tips for your home can be adjusted to your business environment.

Some of the most useful tips we’ve found include the following: Run ceiling fans in areas with high ceilings on low speed, this helps push heat down from the ceiling to the floor or you could say it circulates the air from the floor upward as well. Turn off lights in rooms not normally occupied – motion sensor light switches work great for this especially in areas like toilet rooms or conference rooms. Use a motion sensor or photocell for outdoor security lighting. Setting back the thermostat on weekends when the building is not normally occupied is a great way to reduce energy consumption.

Want a more in depth look into your particular building or lease space? Call APPRO Development and we’d be glad to review your building and make you aware of some of the current rebate offers.