Final - Steves Tire Auto


AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BUILDING COMPLETED FOR STEVE’S TIRE AND AUTO IN MINNEAPOLIS, MN     Automotive Repair Building completed for Steve’s Tire and Auto that features 6 mechanic’s bays, 2 oil change bays, office and retail areas. The site was redeveloped by demolishing an existing gas station to make way for the new structure. Design and construction of the building centered around, …

Final - Super America Lakeville - 1


C-Store Project – Lakeville SuperAmerica   C-store project completion by APPRO Development for Lakeville SuperAmerica (near Cedar Avenue and CR-50). This project consisted of the design and construction of a 8,758 sq. ft. building located in Lakeville, Minnesota with convenience store retail and tunnel car wash along with 16 gas pumps under canopy. Steel frame and long span light gauge …

final - Hewitt Investments-1

Mixed Use Complex for HEWITT INVESTMENTS

Mixed Use Complex Mixed use complex resulting in a new 12,125 SF two-story building multi-tenant building. The mixed use building was designed to house retail and office tenants along the street frontage. The remainder of the building designed for a two-story dance studio. Building front facade designed to historic downtown development guidelines incorporating brick, arched first floor openings and stone base treatment. …

Final - Glowing Hearth Home - ext

Glowing Hearth & Home – Jordan, MN

GLOWING HEARTH & HOME, JORDAN, MN Glowing Hearth & Home project in Jordan, MN consists of a 13,000 sq. ft. retail facility designed and built for fireplaces and related products.  Worked closely with the retail merchandising team over a period of one and a half years to create a building system/layout that compliments their sales approach. Special Considerations Prototype facility …

Commercial Building Project for Crystal Lake Ext by APPRO Development

Crystal Lake Auto – Lakeville, MN

Commercial Construction Building: Crystal Lake Auto, Lakeville, MN   A new commercial construction building project was completed by APPRO Development consisting of 26,000 square foot building located in Lakeville, Minnesota that combines offices, automotive mechanical and body repair. Building construction consists of a poured concrete slab on grade floor, concrete wall panels that incorporate three different finishes, steel bar joists and …

redevelopment service center project for grandview tire and auto by APPRO Development

Redevelopment Service Center: Edina, MN

Redevelopment Service Center Project for Grandview Tire & Auto: Edina, MN APPRO Development completed a redevelopment service center for project this well established automotive repair company in Edina, Minnesota. The building features 7 repair bays, 2 oil change bays, an automated car wash bay, office an retail area. The site was redeveloped for this facility by demolishing the existing structure.  The building, …

APPRO Design & Build - Final - Eriks Bike Shop St Paul (24)

St. Paul Commercial Remodel Project at Erik’s Bike

St. Paul Commercial Remodel Project   St. Paul Commercial Remodel Project at Erik’s Bike located in the former St. Paul Union Hall (across from the former Ford Plant on Ford Parkway in Highland Park) was a fun transformation for APPRO Development and the neighborhood. This project includes demo of the existing Union Auto Hall interior, replacement of all existing rooftop …

Fireside Hearth and Home Ext

Fireside Hearth and Home – Retail Showroom: Eagan, MN

Fireside Hearth and Home: Eagan, MN Fireside Hearth and Home consists of a 13,000 sq. ft. retail facility located in Eagan, Minnesota for fireplaces and related products. Our design team worked closely with the retail merchandising team over a period of one and a half years to create a building system/layout that complements their sales approach. At APPRO Development, we …

New Retail Facility for Leo's South by APPRO Development

New Retail Facility: Leo’s South, Lakeville, MN

New Retail Facility Complete for Leo’s South   A 20,000 square foot new retail facility located in Lakeville, Minnesota for display of motorcycles, snowmobiles and personal watercraft. In 2001, designed and built a 63,000 square foot warehouse addition which included demolition of an existing adjacent building. APPRO Development, Inc. has been helping clients like Leo’s South for more than 25 years …