Dick’s Valley Service – New Building in Apple Valley

Dick’s Valley Service – New Building: Apple Valley, MN A new design build project for APPRO Development.  We are constructing a second building for Dick’s Valley Service Apple Valley, MN – at the NE corner of Johnny Cake Ridge Rd and Upper 147th Street W. To watch the progress of this project, see the images below and check back frequently. …

Lease, Buy or Build

Lease, Buy, or Build: How To Know Which Is Right for Your Business

Whether you’re launching a new business, expanding an existing one, or simply need to move locations for one reason or another, you’ll need to decide whether to lease, buy, or build a property. And with current construction lead times, it’s important to make this decision early on. If you don’t, you could be in for a long wait before you …

interest rates and financing

Concerned About Interest Rates and Financing? Here’s Why You Don’t Need To Worry

The truth about interest rates and financing.   The headlines surrounding interest rates and financing can be scary…but, thankfully, the truth is much less so. Yes, interest rates are higher than they have been over the past few years. But, historically speaking, they’re still relatively low. And, the reality is, if you’re looking for a commercial or industrial property for …

Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Roz Peterson

Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Roz Peterson

We are continuing to introduce you to the members of our team, and this week we would like to introduce you to Roz Peterson! We hope you enjoy learning more about us and our expert team at APPRO & CERRON.


Name: Roz Peterson

Role:  CERRON Commercial Properties Sales Agent, CCIM


APPRO and CERRON help businesses find and/or create great spaces – what about that do you love?

  • I enjoy learning about each person’s business and finding creative solutions to meet their real estate goals. The best part is each transaction is different and unique to that client.

Why should someone who doesn’t know APPRO and CERRON, choose our companies?

  • Integrity – We have a culture where the customer comes first. Doing what is right for each client no matter what.

What is your earliest memory of selling, designing or building something?

  • I sold Girl Scout cookies door to door at age 10. At one house, a teenage boy ordered 25 boxes…much to the surprise of the parents when I delivered them looking for payment.
What do you do outside of the office for fun?

  • Snowmobiling with my family is definitely what I like to do for fun.

What is your favorite quote?

  • For the price of effort, you can have anything.
What is your favorite sport (to cheer on or to play)?
  • I enjoy going to (and cheering on) all the major sports.

Where is one place you have not been, but would really like to go?

  • Australia

Roz joined the CERRON team in 2006 and has been providing top notch property solutions for our clients ever since. In addition to her roles as a business owner and sales agent for CERRON, she has also been a State of Minnesota Representative (1/6/15 to 1/17/19) and is currently seeking election. Roz is passionate about everything she works on, always giving 110%. 

View more team member links HERE.
Would you like to learn more about our team and all that we do to provide expert property solutions? If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to our newsletter to receive project updates, design ideas, current available properties, and much more! {{cta(‘d460cbc2-63ba-4882-b207-d05998195700’)}}

Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Kelly Leet

Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Kelly Leet

We would like to introduce you to Kelly Leet, who will be working with our APPRO team as an Administrative Assistant. We hope you enjoy learning more about us and our great team at APPRO & CERRON.

Name: Kelly Leet

Role:  Administrative Assistant,  APPRO Development, Inc.

What makes our team unique?

  • The fact that we handle every detail of property service from development to selling and the office setting is very open and has a strong team atmosphere.

What inspires and/or motivates you in what you do with APPRO & CERRON?

  • Being very new to the company, I am inspired to learn the industry and my job responsibilities so that I can become an effective and trusted member of the team.

13554What is something people might be surprised to know about you?

  • I have been performing stand-up comedy for 10 years. Mostly open mics around the Twin Cities area but I was a member of a charity group called Funny Money where local comedians performed at fundraisers. I also made it to the semifinals in two “Funniest Person” contests. I am technically a professional because I made $50 once when I performed at a Christmas party! 😉

What is your favorite quote?

  • IRed boxing gloves - isolated over a white backgroundt’s a super long quote from the 2006 movie, “Rocky Balboa.” Here is an excerpt:
    “It ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done!” (If you would like me to recite the entire speech, I’m always happy to do that!)

What is the best compliment you have ever received?

  • A friend of mine that I hadn’t seen in years, told me that it made her happy just knowing there was someone like me out in the world. It’s the nicest compliment I’ve ever received!

We are thrilled to have Kelly on our team! Kelly is very talented, positive and outgoing. She has already proven to be a strong team player and shines brightest when interacting with others! You will meet Kelly over the phone or when you visit our office, as she will be the first voice you will hear or person you will meet – we know you will enjoy getting to know Kelly as much as we have. We are thrilled to have her on our team!

View more team member links HERE.

Would you like to learn more about our team and all that we do to provide expert property solutions? If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to our newsletter to receive project updates, design ideas, current available properties, and much more! {{cta(‘d460cbc2-63ba-4882-b207-d05998195700’)}}

Image sources: Image of Open Mic Night via: Banner vector created by katemangostar – www.freepik.com; Boxing gloves via Shutterstock.

Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Ben Peters, AIA


We would like to introduce you to Ben Peters, who will be working with our CERRON team as an architect. We hope you enjoy learning more about us and our great team at APPRO & CERRON.


Name: Ben Peters, AIA

Role:  Architect,  APPRO Development, Inc.


designing a bakeryThe APPRO and CERRON team helps businesses find and/or create great spaces – what about that do you appreciate or enjoy?

  • I enjoy creating innovative, comfortable, pragmatic spaces.

Describe your role with APPRO and/or CERRON in ten words or less.

  • Architectural design that exceeds the client’s expectations

Why should someone who doesn’t know APPRO and CERRON, choose our companies?

  • Our company has an extensive portfolio of quality work and is committed to having satisfied customers.
What is your earliest memory of selling, designing or building something?
  • When I was 12, my uncle asked me to design the front of a bakery he wanted to open.


What makes our team unique?

  • An extensive background in the Lakeville area with in-house design and construction management from employees with a wide range of experience.

What inspires and/or motivates you in what you do with APPRO & CERRON?

  • I am motivated to be an integral part of this company to sustain and improve their design capabilities.
What do you do outside of the office for fun?
  • I like to create things using photography, painting, 3D renderings and construction.

Building Skyline - Building MaintenanceWhat is something people might be surprised to know about you?

  • My son and I built an airplane shaped like a hamburger for the Red Bull Flugtag several years ago. We pushed it off a 20 foot high ramp into the Mississippi river with 90 thousand people watching, and no, it didn’t fly.

What is the best compliment you have ever received?

  • I was told several times by my previous employer that my design for the client space in our new office was “awesome.”

What is your favorite sport/event (to cheer on or to play)?

  • Forty- Niner Football
Where is one place you have not been, but would really like to go?
  • Barcelona, Spain

We are thrilled to have Ben on our team! He is thoughtful, positive, and very gifted in “all things design.” Ben is indeed an integral part of our team and we value his leadership skills within our organization. We anticipate great results from his many talents and skills to serve our clients in creating unique property solutions.

View more team member links HERE.
Would you like to learn more about our team and all that we do to provide expert property solutions? If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to our newsletter to receive project updates, design ideas, current available properties, and much more! {{cta(‘d460cbc2-63ba-4882-b207-d05998195700’)}}
Image sources: Building in thought bubble vector created by macrovector – “>www.freepik.com; Abstract skyline of Barcelona vector created by freepik – www.freepik.com ; Flying Hamburger Design – Ben Peters.

Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Dalton Swager


We would like to introduce you to Dalton Swager, who will be working with our team to provide drafting / design help to our team. We hope you enjoy learning more about us and our great team at APPRO & CERRON.


Name: Dalton Swager

Role:  CAD Technician, CERRON Commercial Properties & APPRO Development, Inc.


The APPRO and CERRON team helps businesses find and/or create great spaces – what about that do you appreciate or enjoy?

  • The way that the two companies work in tandem to find a building site and then to show the client the potential of that site through site sketches and illustrations to convey available options.

Why should someone who doesn’t know APPRO and CERRON, choose our companies?

  • They are able to provide a full package for the client – with the ability to sell the lot, build a building, or sell an existing building. 


What is your earliest memory of selling, designing or building something?
  • At about age 4 or 5, I realized I loved to design and build things out of just about anything I could get my hands on.
What do you do outside of the office for fun?
  • I love to go for bike rides in the summer; snowboard in the winter; and, draw or play video games throughout the entire year.

What is something people might be surprised to know about you?

  • I am actually very artistic and love to learn just about anything I can.
Where is one place you have not been, but would really like to go?
  •  I would love to go to Japan

We are excited to have Dalton as a member of our design team. He is always upbeat, flashing a smile in  your direction, and eager to tackle the next project that comes our way. We look forward to seeing his contributions to our design build team.

View more team member links HERE.
If you would like to consider joining our team, be sure to check out our CAREERS page for current open positions.
Would you like to learn more about our team and all that we do to provide expert property solutions? If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to our newsletter to receive project updates, design ideas, current available properties, and much more! {{cta(‘d460cbc2-63ba-4882-b207-d05998195700’)}}

Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Gordy Schiltz

Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Gordy Schiltz

If you have been following our blogs for the past couple of months, you have been learning a little more about our team, and as we are coming down to the final members of our team, we would like to introduce you to Gordy Schiltz! We hope you enjoy learning more about us and our great team at APPRO & CERRON.


Name: Gordy Schiltz

Role:  Project Manager,  APPRO Development, Inc.


Describe your role in ten words or less 

  • I oversee the commercial construction process from start to finish.

What is something people might be surprised to know about you?

  • I spent 10 years in the United States Air Force
What is your favorite sport (to cheer on or to play)?
  • Baseball – I love watching my son play!

What is the best compliment you have ever received?

  • My wife saying, “yes” when I proposed 30 years ago
What do you do outside of the office for fun?
  • Hunting, fishing, baseball, sitting at the fire pit with my family (maybe even with a cold beer in hand)

What is your favorite quote?

  • It is what it is!
Where is one place you have not been, but would really like to go?
  • Moose hunting in Alaska


Gordy Schiltz is the most senior project manager on our team, having started with APPRO Development in 2003. He is honest, straight forward, devoted, and hardworking. Gordy takes great pride in a job well done, placing value on building strong relationships with both our subcontractors and the owners of each project we work on.

As a subcontractor you will meet Gordy during the initial or competitive bidding phase of a new project, as well as working together throughout the entire construction phase and into the final close out of a project. As a commercial property owner, you will meet Gordy during the initial planning and budgeting phase, work with him throughout the construction of a project, and as he wraps up the construction phase to turn the building over to you, on time and on budget.

Gordy is a pretty humble guy, but if you ask, he might be willing to share his stories of having survived being on a life raft in the middle of the ocean, eating insects, or hunting large game in Africa. We are fortunate to have Gordy and ALL the skills he brings to our great team!

View more team member links HERE.
Would you like to learn more about our team and all that we do to provide expert property solutions? If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to our newsletter to receive project updates, design ideas, current available properties, and much more! Subscribe Now

Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Cam Luong

Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Cam Luong

If you have been following our blogs for the past couple of months, you have been learning a little more about our team, and as we are coming down to the last few members of our team, we would like to introduce you to Cam Luong! We hope you enjoy learning more about us and our great team at APPRO & CERRON.


Name: Cam Luong

Role:  Project Manager,  APPRO Development, Inc.


APPRO and CERRON helps businesses find and/or create great commercial spaces – what about that do you appreciate most?

  • It’s a one stop shop. CERRON helps our clients find spaces and APPRO provides our clients an estimate for the build-out.

What makes our team unique?

  • We are an open book General Contractor. We disclose our subcontractors’ bids to our clients – you don’t see many, if any, General Contractors out there willing to disclose this information.
What do you do outside of the office for fun?
  • I enjoy golfing, attending the kids’ sporting events, downhill skiing, and reading a good book.
What is your favorite quote?

  • “Do not follow a path where it may lead, but instead create your own path, so others may follow.”
What is your favorite sport (to cheer on or to play)?
  • Football

Cam has been a longtime APPRO team member, originally starting with our team in 2004. He is hard working, detailed, and has a sense of humor that keeps our group on our toes. Cam is respected  for his expertise and strong work ethic by our team internally, as well as by the subcontractors, vendors, and owners with whom he interacts on a daily basis. 

As a vendor or subcontractor, you will work with Cam on commercial or industrial construction projects from initial inception to final completion during bid, construction and final completion phases. As a building owner, landlord, or property tenant, you will work with Cam during all phases of construction, as he expertly manages the entire process to your satisfaction – striving to not only meet, but to exceed your expectations.

Cam cares deeply about his family, has a zest for all that life offers, and is a valued member of our APPRO and CERRON Commercial Property Solutions Team!

View more team member links HERE.
Would you like to learn more about our team and all that we do to provide expert property solutions? If you haven’t already done so, please subscribe to our newsletter to receive project updates, design ideas, current available properties, and much more! {{cta(‘d460cbc2-63ba-4882-b207-d05998195700’)}}

Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Jim Connelly

Meet the APPRO and CERRON Team: Jim Connelly

Continuing to introduce you to our team, we have the interview from our next property solutions team member. We are pleased to introduce you to Jim Connelly, and we hope you have fun learning more about our fabulous team at APPRO & CERRON.


Name: Jim Connelly

Role: Designer, Project Manager, Co-Owner, APPRO Development


Describe your role with APPRO & CERRON in ten to fifteen words or less.

  • Problem solver, creating solutions through design or construction to solve clients’ needs.


What inspires and/or motivates you in what you do with APPRO & CERRON?

  • The final result. Helping to shape the outcome of a project.


What do you do outside of the office for fun?

  • Spend time outdoors with my family.


What is your favorite sport (to cheer on or to play)?

  • Whatever sport my kids are participating in. It’s much more interesting to me to watch a sporting event when there is a personal connection.


Jim is a an APPRO co-owner and has been a part of the APPRO team since 1996. He is an excellent leader, designer, and project manager. Additionally, Jim works with our team, leading us as we embrace the “Lean” principles throughout our organization. As a business owner you will meet Jim during the initial planning and design phases of a commercial construction project. As a subcontractor, you will meet Jim on projects he either manages or oversees in his design role. One of the things our team especially appreciates about Jim is that he has a great sense of humor, and has been known to pull a prank or two in his day…be on your toes is all I can say!

View more team member links HERE.
Want to continue to learn more about our team and all that we do to provide expert property solutions? If you haven’t already, subscribe to our newsletter. {{cta(‘d460cbc2-63ba-4882-b207-d05998195700’)}}