Lean Manufacturing Tools – A Quick Summary


Our team recently came across an article that is really more of an infographic on the topic of Lean Manufacturing Tools. It is an excellent resource and tool to explain some of the essential Lean tools which can be used in manufacturing.  The name of the article is, “32 Essential Lean Manufacturing Tools”and although it was published a couple of years ago, its relevance continues to hold true. As a “manufacturer” of new buildings (and building additions or remodels), we understand the necessity of having a streamlined process, and use many Lean tools. Our team selected our “Favorite Five” from the list and would like to share some of the reasons these are our favorites and how we utilize these tools with our business. 

Before we dig into our “Favorite Five”, we wanted to offer a quick summary of Lean, for those of our readers who would like to learn about the basics. According to the Lean Enterprise Institute, “The core idea [of lean] is to maximize customer value while minimizing waste. Simply, lean means creating more value for customers with fewer resources.”

Per the Lean Enterprise Institute, “Lean applies in every business and every process…A lean organization understands customer value and focuses its key processes to continuously increase it. The ultimate goal is to provide perfect value to the customer through a perfect value creation process that has zero waste.”

You may visit our Lean Principles page for more information on the basics of Lean.

Top Five Lean Manufacturing Tools List:

As previously mentioned, this article published by New Castle Systems, summarized 32 tools – that is a lot of tools for your Lean toolbox! We have simply selected our favorite five tools from that list in order to share some highlights on how we have incorporated them into our property solutions business.

1. Continuous Flow – Less wait time, less waste, more efficiency

Our combined APPRO and CERRON team, works to create an efficient process to help business owners achieve their goal of finding a property solution (build a new building, lease a retail space, purchase a new building, add onto an existing building, etc.) with clear and concise communication. While working with a  single source, utilizing a streamlined plan, the chance for error or miscommunication is diminished. 


2. Kaizen – “Combines the collective talents of the company … to eliminate waste”

On an annual basis, our team identifies opportunities to improve our processes, and we engage in a collective “Kaizen” event. As we work together, we share opportunities to combine our different knowledge, skills and abilities, to benefit each of our clients in our overall process of providing the ideal commercial or industrial property solution.

One example of an outcome of a Kaizen event for our team was our Safety protocol. Working together, we created our standards for a safe work environment in the commercial new construction environment.  You may visit our website HERE to learn more about the outcome of this project and our team’s commitment to safety practices in the field of commercial building and construction.


3. Mind Maps – Visual tools to organize and present interrelated ideas

Having the opportunity to share our ideas visually can make a difference. At a time when we were working with a local marketing company to design our logos, we saw that many of the services we provide to our customers, overlapped. As a result, the following graphic was created and used to illustrate the services that both of our companies may become involved and provide services to our clients.



4. SMART Goals – Goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Specific

Our team works to set annual goals, which we then work toward throughout the year, and revisit on a regular basis to measure the successful attainment of each goal. By having each of the aspects for which “SMART” is an acronym incorporated into the stated goal, the likelihood of achieving the goal increases exponentially.  

According to a recent article written by Emily Esposito, titled, “The Essential Guide to Writing S.M.A.R.T. Goals” and published at SmartSheet, they have provided an excellent article on S.M.A.R.T. goals. You will want to consider the following when writing out your goals (the following section is directly from the previously referenced article – with minimal re-wording; the full article may be linked to by clicking on the article title above):

SPECIFIC – When setting a goal, be specific about what you are trying to achieve. In this step – you are going to answer the “W” questions, as summarized in the SMARTSHEET article:

  • Who – Consider who needs to be involved to achieve the goal (this is especially important when you’re working on a group project).
  • What – Think about exactly what you are trying to accomplish and don’t be afraid to get very detailed.
  • When – You’ll get more specific about this question under the “time-bound” section of defining S.M.A.R.T. goals, but you should at least set a time frame.
  • Where – This question may not always apply, especially if you’re setting personal goals, but if there’s a location or relevant event, identify it here.
  • Which – Determine any related obstacles or requirements. This question can be beneficial in deciding if your goal is realistic. For example, if the goal is to open a baking business, but you’ve never baked anything before, that might be an issue. As a result, you may refine the specifics of the goal to be “Learn how to bake in order to open a baking business.”
  • Why – What is the reason for the goal? When it comes to using this method for employees, the answer will likely be along the lines of company advancement or career development.

MEASURABLE – What metrics are you going to use to determine if you meet the goal? This makes a goal more tangible because it provides a way to measure progress. If it’s a project that’s going to take a few months to complete, then break it down into bite-sized, manageable chunks (“mini-goals”) to help track your progress along the way.

ATTAINABLE – This focuses on how important a goal is to you and what you can do to make it attainable and may require developing new skills and changing attitudes. The goal is meant to inspire motivation, not discouragement. Think about how to accomplish the goal and if you have the tools/skills needed. If you don’t currently possess those tools/skills, consider what it would take to attain them.

RELEVANT Relevance refers focusing on something that makes sense with the broader business goals. For example, if the goal is to launch a new product, it should be something that’s in alignment with the overall business objectives. Your team may be able to launch a new consumer product, but if your company is a B2B that is not expanding into the consumer market, then the goal wouldn’t be relevant. 

TIME-SPECIFIC/TIME – Anyone can set goals, but if it lacks realistic timing, chances are you’re not going to succeed. Providing a target date for deliverables is imperative. Ask specific questions about the goal deadline and what can be accomplished within that time period. If the goal will take three months to complete, it’s useful to define what should be achieved half-way through the process. Providing time constraints also creates a sense of urgency.


5. Value Stream Mapping

Provides a road map for improvement through the future state. Our team has used Value Stream Mapping to create a road map for our entire construction process – from site selection to purchase, and from design through the completion of construction. If you have an interest in seeing our construction timeline, you may request a link here:


This is a visual demonstration of our process and ties into the first tool listed above.


Take a look at our Lean Page to learn more about how our team uses the Lean process and …

If you are in search of lean manufacturing construction companies, we encourage you to consider our team. We understand the principles of Lean Manufacturing and apply them to our construction process. Meeting with our team to discuss how your manufacturing business is running is a great first step. Simply click on the button below, fill out the form, and a member of our team will follow up. It’s that simple! Thank you for your consideration.


Gear Image Source: freepik.com

SMART Goal Worksheet: 


New Manufacturing Facility Breaks Ground in Lonsdale, MN


On Thursday, June 23, 2016, Technical Methods broke ground on an exciting new project which will be located at 1951 Commerce Drive SE, Lonsdale, Minnesota. 

This building will be the new home for Technical Methods, Inc. which will be relocating from Lakeville, MN to this new manufacturing facility. Many community members were in attendance, including Mayor Rud, City Administrator Joel Erickson, and City Planner, Benjamin Baker, as well as City Council Members, and local Lonsdale Chamber members. Technical Methods owners, Nick Nelson, Nate Nelson, and Dawn Smith were joined by their team and family members to celebrate the momentous occasion. 

The APPRO and CERRON team was in attendance and was moved by speech shared with the crowd gathered at the site of their new manufacting facility, and the comments made by Mayor Rud. Construction to start immediately with a completion date anticipated 




We couldn’t be more excited for the entire Technical Methods team to start a new chapter in a new location!


This project is pretty exciting for both TMI and the City of Lonsdale, as this is the first project to launch in the Lonsdale Businss Park. You may read more about this project by visiting the APPRO Project Page for TMI, HERE.

You may also click on the following link for an article by Lori Nickel in the Lonsdale News Review, in her article, “First tenant breaks ground in the Lonsdale Business Park.”



If you are interested in starting your own new commercial construction project. please click on the following link to get in touch with our team.




Growing Colors by Gardenworld Groundbreaking in Cottage Grove, MN


Our team is excited to announce the groundbreaking of a new project for Growing Colors by Gardenworld to be located in Cottage Grove, MN! On the morning of June 24, 2016, a groundbreaking celebration kicked off a new project for the owners and employees of Gardenworld, Inc. Attendees of the event included: Dave Van der Sman, Owner, and Stephanie Paquin, CFO, who were joined by numerous family members and fellow Gardenworld employees. Mayor Myron Bailey was a speaker at the event for the City of Cottage Grove. Additional attendees included Cottage Grove City Council members, members of the Planning Commission, EDA, local Chamber, and APPRO Development and CERRON Commercial Properties team members.


CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW TO LAUNCH A SLIDESHOW OF PHOTOS 2016-06-24_Gardenworld_Groundbreaking_Event11.jpg


You may also see the entire project description and details at the following LINK.


The Growing Colors by Gardenworld project is just one example of the wide variety of commercial buildings and project types our team creates for our diverse clientele. If you have a project you would like to discuss with our team, or want to know how to start the new construction process for a new building, please feel free to contact us by clicking on the link below:



Related Links:

Gardenworld Project Page Project Page


2016 Lakeville Chamber Golf Tournament


On Monday, June 6, 2016, the Team at APPRO Development and CERRON Commercial Properties participated in the 2016 Lakeville Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament. This is an annual event which benefits our local chamber and south metro community of Lakeville, MN. We are proud to both sponsor and participate in this fun event.

This year we were able to include many of our team members in one way or another. Our fearless leaders, Jack Matasosky and  Jim Connelly, along with fellow team members Gordy Schiltz and Cam Luong and special guests played in the tournament.  

Additionally, Sandra Tocko, Mitch Branscombe, Paige Scherer and Kris Bockelman had fun with all of the participating golfers. Players were heard laughing and ribbing each other as they attempted to bounce their “ping pong balls” into our red “Solo cups” for a chance to win a drink of their choice, courtesy of the APPRO & CERRON team. As you will see in the slideshow of pictures below, everyone had a great time playing.


Click HERE to see the full slideshow from the day’s events.


As you will see (by clicking on the image above to launch the slideshow), our team and the 144 participants of this sold out event, enjoyed the the day immensely.


The team at APPRO and CERRON feels fortunate to be a part of the Lakeville community. It is at events like this where we are able reconnect with long time friends and fellow community members. It was great to see so many friendly faces! Feel free to leave a message for us below or contact our team – we would love to hear from you!



You may also be interested in seeing past community events and pictures by choosing any one of the following links:

Lakeville Area Chamber Bowling Tournament (2014)

Lakeville Community Events

Manufacturers Appreciation Reception


If you have an interest in joining the Lakeville Chamber of Commerce, you will definitely want to read the following post:

Top Ten Reasons to Join the Lakeville Chamber of Commerce



Considering a Sale Leaseback – We have buyers!

  • WE HAVE BUYERS !!!    

We have recently completed a number of investor sale properties and the appetite in the market is VERY STRONG! 

Our team recently released an article on Sale Leaseback transactions – which you may access by clicking on the following LINK. In this article, you will learn how this type of transaction works and how it may be a great benefit for your business

We are being approached by many investment firms for good quality lease properties.

If you or someone you know is interested in studying what sale / leaseback could mean financially to you – please contact Bruce or Jack !!




Lakeville Community – High School Mentorship Program

Lakeville Community – Mentorship program:

The team at APPRO Development and CERRON Commercial Properties recently had the opportunity to mentor a Lakeville North High School student as part of her business education program. Our team enjoyed sharing our knowledge and expertise with a younger member of our local Lakeville community. 

As this student neared the end of her time with us, she completed an interview and allowed us to share it as a blog post. We hope you enjoy!


Student Name: Soley Kilian

School: Lakeville North High School


Q. Together, APPRO and CERRON help businesses find and/or create great spaces – what did you find interesting about these services?

A. I think it’s interesting how APPRO and CERRON are two different companies, but work together in order to help customers find what they need. The partnership of two companies working together is really unique.

Q. What have you learned from the APPRO and CERRON team so far?

A. I have learned many different aspects of running a business from accounting to marketing, blueprints, making contracts, and running a meeting.

Q. What will you remember most about your time with our team?

A. I will remember all the valuable lessons I learned about running a business and the most important – communication within a business and outside of it. I will also remember how kind and helpful everyone in the office was!




Q. What do you do for fun – hobbies, activities, etc.?

A. I dance competitively at a studio in Rosemount, but I am also involved with Student Council, DECA, Youth Teaching Youth, and Habitat for Humanity.

Q. What is your favorite subject in school?

A. My business classes. I really enjoy learning about marketing, accounting, and all other reaches of business.

Q. What are your future plans and hopes – after high school, and beyond?

A. I am attending the University of Missouri – Columbia in the fall in the Trulaske College of Business. I hope to keep dancing and one day possibly have my own business of some sort!


Celebrate_Lakeville_Community_HS_Programs.jpgSoley completed her final visit to our office this week and we will be sad to see her go! She has been an absolute joy to have in the office, as she was always so positive, and eager to learn the next new thing. Our entire team found her to be very bright and determined as well as thoughtful (she even brought our entire team cupcakes on her last day!). We know that this young woman has a bright future ahead of her.

We wish Soley and her entire graduating class of Lakeville North High School (and South, too!) all the best for a safe and memorable summer, as they head off to tackle the world.



If you and your team are interested in getting involved in mentoring local youth, please contact us for more details on how to get involved in making a difference in our local Lakeville Community.



See similar posts and pages here:

Lakeville High School Career Jamboree

Dakota County Community Helps Farmington High School Students

APPRO and CERRON – In the Community


Commercial Real Estate MN & County Hwy 70

Commercial Real Estate MN & County Hwy 70 has been in the local news recently. The Lakeville Chamber of Commerce held a meeting recently, about future plans and considerations for this county highway. This topic  is not only important to our team at APPRO and CERRON and its Lakevile location , but also for many of our clients and neighbors.

Mark Krebsbach, Dakota County Transportation Director/County Engineer gave the presentation and included the following topics:

  • Dakota County Highway System
  • Principal Arterial Study
  • County Highway Projects in Lakeville
  • County Highway 70 Conditions and Characteristics
  • Questions and Discussions

In this summary, you will learn about a few of the highlights of this presentation and we will also include links to additional information. 


Some of the key take away items included in this presentation were the following:




Summary of County Highway 70 current conditions:

  • Predominantly 2-lane rural section
  • Transitioning to 3-lane section with left turn lanes
  • Full depth pavement rehabilitation in 2012 – pavement quality 3.9 out of 4.0
  • Coordination with development – access, turn lanes, right of way


Potential County Highway 70 project information summary:

  • 4-lane divided section
  • Likely beyond 2020
  • Split into two segments at CSAH 9 (Dodd Blvd.)
  • $30 million +/-


In conclusion, these changes are dependent on budgets and additional planning. We hope that our readers find this information of interest and if additional information is required, you may:

  • Contact Mark Krebsbach at Dakota County via email mark.krebsbach@co.dakota.mn.us with any questions you may have,
  • Download a full version of the PowerPoint presentation by clicking HERE, or
  • Please feel free to contact a member of our team if you would like to discuss the potential impact on your business.

We are happy to help in any way we can!


 For more blogs about Dakota County MN click HERE.

How To Maintain Your Building’s Roof


Roofing is at the top of most property owners’ and property managers’ lists of items to keep well maintained. And, rightly so, as this building feature can be one of the single highest replacement costs in building maintenance. Upon review of a recent article regarding roof maintenance, we summarized the key points of the article.

Of this list of six roof maintenance tips, we have included four of the following:

  • Stay involved – from the get-go
  • Quality roofing – a good system makes all the difference
  • Roof design matters – know all the factors
  • Inspections – are you doing the minimum?


In this article, “Six tips to extend your roof’s life” we chose to highlight four key aspects of the article.

The first is “Stay involved” and what that means is that as a building owner, you want to make sure that you do your homework. Work with your trusted and hired professionals, but also make sure that you are knowledgeable about your options.

Second, is to choose “quality roofing” as a good system makes all the difference in maintenance down the road. When you are working with our team at APPRO, we have a handful of trusted roofing subcontractors who are knowledgeable and professional and understand the best options for your building type.

Third, make sure that your roof is properly designed. You want to work with your design team to consider: slope, drainage, penetrations, flashing, walkways, and (if membrane) membrane thickness.

Fourth, you MUST conduct regular building inspections. Did you know that a minimum of two times a year is the recommended average frequency to inspect your building’s roof? 


To read the full article with all six tips, you may click on the following LINK.


Our team wants you to enjoy the buildings you build with us for a very long time. Maintenance is one factor that helps make that possible. Be sure to inspect your roof regularly. If building new, ask our team about your options. And, if you would like a recommendation of a reputable, qualified roofing contractor, please be sure to contact our team – we would be happy to help!



 Interested in more  information on maintaining your commercial or industrial building? Here are some recent articles…

Suggested Maintenance Checklist

Commercial Building Maintenance: Roofing 

Cool Roofs…For Minnesota’s Climate


General Contractor MN: News you can use

General Contractor MN – APPRO Development shares News You Can Use!

The team at APPRO and CERRON would like to share with you helpful information about trends in construction, design, architecture, project management and all things commercial or industrial property solutions. This week we share a few articles that have been in the news related to Angel Tax Credits, the Lean process in construction, and economic development throughout the state of Minnesota. 

The following articles may be helpful as you investigate property solutions for your Minnesota business.


Financing Options

According to the MN State DEED office, the following is a definition of “Angel Tax Credits”:

“Minnesota’s Angel Tax Credit provides a 25-percent credit to investors or investment funds that put money into startup companies focused on high technology, new proprietary technology, or a new proprietary product, process or service in specified fields. The maximum credit is $125,000 per person, per year ($250,000 if filing jointly). The credit is refundable. Residents of other states and foreign countries are eligible.” As we work with a wide variety of business owners and industry types, we thought this may be of interest to some of our readers as there has been a little bit of buzz in the news about the topic.

 MN Angel Tax Credit A summary of the availability of the Angel Tax Credit from the MN DEED office

Potential Amendment to Angel Tax Credit An update on the Angel Tax Credit


Construction Trends

 Lean and mean: How to ‘maximize value and minimize waste’ with Lean Construction This is a great article found on April 19, 2016 of the Construction Dive publication on the use of Lean principles in commercial and industrial construction. The team at APPRO and CERRON have used the Lean methodology in our construction and business practice for many years. You may also be interested in learning more about the basics of Lean on our website by clicking HERE.


Development in the News

Twin Cities Development Efforts Draw National Notice This Twin Cities Business Magazine article focuses on the article is on the the local Twin Cities metro area and discusses the importance of not only bringing in new businesses from outside of the metro area, but helping to retain the existing businesses and working with them to expand their business in place. Our team has been able to work with many companies recently to do that very thing! Menasha, BTD, and Mendell, among others have decided to stay local and construct expansions to their existing buildings. 


There is always something exciting happening in the world of commercial and industrial property solutions! Stay in touch with our team for the latest news by subscribing to our monthly E-Newsletter.


 Image Source: Freepik

Top 5 List – To Build New or Buy Existing Commercial Building

To Buy Existing or to Build New…That is the Question:

The decision whether to buy an existing commercial or industrial property or to build from the ground-up is a dilemma many business owners face. There are many factors to consider in making this decision. As the team at APPRO and CERRON assists business owners find creative and unique property solutions, this question inevitably surfaces. As a result, our team has created a side by side comparison chart of considerations to use in the process of making this decision. 

In this article, you will learn about the top 5 considerations when deciding whether to build new or to buy existing commercial or industrial real estate.

Key Considerations:

As your business continues to grow, you may have found yourself transitioning from a small lease space, to a larger lease space. Eventually, you may have outgrown that, too. Now, you have found that in the best interest of your company, you need to purchase real estate for your next move.  The question is, do  you build it from scratch, or do you buy existing? Both have their pros and cons.

Some common considerations include:

1. Time: The amount of time you have to make a move. It is never too early to start planning your next location. Depending on the size and type of property, the time you need to either build or buy, can make a significant impact to your available choices. If you don’t know how much time you need to build, we would suggest reviewing our Project Timeline (which shows both the timing for choosing a new location & the amount of time to design and build).

2. Location: The location you choose may have future ramifications you need to be aware of today. Considerations regarding zoning, access, restrictions, and incentives are items to consider today. Additionally, considering your ability to make modifications in the future may have impacts you hadn’t originally considered today, but will matter down the road. Will you be able to add on if you should continue to grow?

3. Key building components: Consider the existing structure – are you able to make use of the space as is? Does it have ample parking? If not, are you able to add more? 

4. Future considerations: Will you be able to add more space in the future? What does the neighborhood look like now? What are the future plans? What is your 5-7 year vision?

5. Total costs: Are you considering not just your hard construction costs or costs to purchase? Are you also considering the soft costs? (You may download our free resource, “Total Construction Costs” to see a list of hard and soft cost considerations.)

To Buy Existing or to Build New: 

As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider when purchasing or building commercial or industrial real estate properties. The team at APPRO and CERRON have created a complete Buy vs. Build Comparison Chart going into more detail, beyond this Top 5 Considerations list. Download the complete chart today to add more information to your property solutions toolbox! 


Please contact our team for more questions, or leave us a message below. 
