This Year’s Lakeville Manufacturers Appreciation Reception Was the Best!

The APPRO and CERRON team had the opportunity to attend the annual Lakeville Manufacturers Appreciation Reception this year, and found it to be the best in many years (if not ever)! We sincerely appreciated the opportunity to connect with many of our local neighbors; some we have known for years, and some we met for the first time. Every time we attend the event, we learn something new and that is what makes it so much fun! The businesses in Lakeville are doing some amazing things.
This event is hosted by the City of Lakeville, and was sponsored by MN Energy Resources, Xcel Energy, Frontier and Dakota Electric. This invitation only event was held at the Holiday Inn in Lakeville, MN, just off of I-35 and Kenrick Avenue, on Tuesday, October 22, 2013. In attendance were City of Lakeville staff, City Council Members, Economic Development Commission members, and a diverse representation of the manfacturers & businesses in the Lakeville community. The event is held to celebrate Manufacturers Appreciation Week (October 20-26, 2013). According to the City of Lakeville’s website, “Lakeville has over 3,100 manufacturing jobs amongst 150 businesses. Thank you to all of our manufacturers for being a part of Lakeville’s business community!”
Just shy of 40 companies attended this event and engaged in some great networking and recognition of the manufacturers in our community. If you were considering attending and just didn’t have the opportunity, we urge you to try to make it out to next year’s event. Great reason, great food, great people – you can’t go wrong!
We are grateful to continue our 26th year as a part of this great Lakeville community! If you are Manufacturer in Minnesota and would like to discuss a possible project, give our team a call. We are happy to answer any questions you may have!